Saturday, April 28, 2012

Train and Farm

Wyatt and I went and took a train ride around Trinity Park with Shelby and Brady.  We had a good time.  Here are a few pictures I got of the fun.  I took the pictures while the train was waiting at the depot - in case anyone gets worried that we let the boys sit/stand alone while the train was moving.


Wyatt - I could only get serious faces out of him.

I  got a little smile out of Brady!

Checking out the engine.

A week later we went to Homestead Farms, in Keller.  This was with Christine, Blake (on his birthday!),  and Parker as well as Shelby and Brady.  They had some extra things going on for earth day, like plant your own seed in a Dixie cup, hay rides, and snow cones.  It started raining after we'd been there awhile, so we didn't get to do a hay ride (and of course no snow cones for us).  Wyatt enjoyed looking at the animals, the tractor, and digging in the wheelbarrow full of dirt.  I took home a yummy tomato and a couple of sweet potatoes from their store.  I didn't buy any of the raw goat's milk from their goats - maybe next time.   

Wyatt really enjoyed looking at the chickens.

Planting his seed

Parker and Wyatt - they are sharing...right?

Wyatt and Parker are both wearing their overalls for the trip to the farm - but it was chilly so they had jackets over them and you can't tell.

Wyatt loving the tractor.  He was so high in the air I had to have Blake put him up and get him down for me.

Brady on the tractor.

Wyatt loved the "puppies."  Super sweet farm dogs.

Cute mama and baby goats.  Wyatt actually learned to call them goats, and not puppies!

All three of the boys together in a rare moment.  Checking out the chickens.

Here are all the milking goats.