Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Wyatt is really into baseball.  He loves to watch the Rangers on TV (He grins, says "b-ball" while pointing at the screen, and then goes around the house swinging whatever he can find that looks like a bat.  He has used golf clubs, umbrellas, and one of those tubes that you can mail posters in.)  When we watch baseball on tv, (which isn't too often since we don't have cable and only get Friday night baseball for the most part) Wyatt will cheer along with the crowd.  Good when its a home game for the Rangers, but when it is an away game he cheers at the wrong times :)

He also has gotten to see Justin play softball a few times, which he seems to enjoy.  He likes to cheer for them (or the other team - as I mentioned before, when he hears cheering he usually joins in).  When he was able to swing Justin's huge bat I decided he needed a bat of his own.  Within a week of having his tee-ball set he is pretty good.  He can even hit the ball when it is thrown to him some of the time.   When we call Justin on the phone now the first thing Wyatt says is, "Hi Daddy" and then "baseball" and "bat."

I don't know how Wyatt figured out how to bat - but he picked it up quickly.  He will sometimes hit the ball, drop his bat, and runs around pumping his left arm only and saying "go, go, go!"

In honor of Josh Hamilton's four home runs (and a double) last night I would like to say, "Go Rangers!"

I got a few pictures of Wyatt (future home run hitter) playing baseball at the lake this weekend.

I got a video too.